Many people with age, the disease is the joints, that doctors call it osteoarthritis. Often, osteoarthritis affects people over the age of 45 years and very often it comes to osteoarthritis of the knee. If you do not treat osteoarthritis, the cartilage disappears and the bone laid bare, and this will make it impossible to execute the functions of the knee.

The causes leading to the onset of osteoarthritis
The appearance of osteoarthritis of the knee may contribute to a number of factors. The doctors emphasize the following:
The various mechanical injury. This can be as fractures and dislocations, but especially dangerous damage to the meniscus. The lesions are precisely the factor that can result in the development of osteoarthritis at a very young age. The doctors argue that the cause of the osteoarthritis is not in and of itself is a trauma, and the treatment of this lesion, which is associated with the fixation of a limb and, consequently, disorders of the microcirculation of the blood in the area of the joint, which leads to the development of osteoarthritis post-traumatic. In case of damage of the meniscus and their subsequent removal, statistics of medicine says that in nine cases out of ten, prevent osteoarthritis cannot;
Excess weight in and of itself, the knee does not hurt, but it serves as a risk factor for injury of the meniscus. This trauma is very dangerous, the repair process of lesions of the meniscus along, and in most cases leads to osteoarthritis. The doctors believe that the most serious forms of osteoarthritis of the knee occur in people in addition to overweight, suffer from varicose veins;
Problems with the beams. It is quite common in people who have a good physical shape. These people have a high degree of mobility of the joints and of themselves, are flexible. These people can easily climb into the string and can perform several elements of stretching exercises, even without training. However, these people are highly "loose" bundles. Perform these people exercises lead to the fact that the knee joint is microtrauma, and are already later become the cause of osteoarthritis;
What is the disease of the joints, such as arthritis very easily enters in osteoarthritis. The fact is that arthritis is an inflammatory process that leads to the formation of large amounts of fluid in the joint cavity, which ultimately leads to the destruction of cartilage and osteoarthritis of the knee;
Changes in metabolism also lead to the development of arthritis, it is especially important for the joints is the metabolism of calcium; recently there have been several theories that explain the onset of osteoarthritis the influence of stress. According to madcow, after 40, many women accumulate emotional fatigue, and is this the reason for the disturbance in the processes of circulation, including the lower limbs, because they are suffering, and the articulation of the knee.
The symptoms of the disease

With osteoarthritis of the knee most often are fixed to the following symptoms:
The pain in the knee. The main feature consists in the fact that the pain did not appear suddenly. Usually, the person experiences a feeling of discomfort and pains, pain in the course of a few months, and even years. Amplify the sensation of pain when you run or walk. If the pain appeared in the knees dramatically, probably, has not the arthritis, and throttling of the meniscus. The more one develops the disease, the more strong it becomes pain. Particularly strong pain after the loads associated with for a long hike or lifting weights. The pain subside after resting, but as soon as there is the physical activity, the pain will appear again. In many cases, the patients of knee problems, occurs an aggravation of painful sensations during the change of weather conditions, and the pain feels like when you are driving and resting. To relieve the symptoms of pain recommend the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
The deformation of the knee itself. This symptom manifests itself in the later stages of the development of the disease. Not to be confused with the deformation of the articulation of the knee with swelling, which may manifest itself already at the beginning of the disease; the Accumulation of an excessive amount of fluid in the knee joint. This phenomenon doctors call it arthritis, but synovitis may go in a cyst of Baker, which manifests itself in the formation of the seal in the back of the knee. Fortunately, the cyst, Baker curable without surgery;
Crunch. Unlike the crackle in the joints of healthy people when a crunch in the later stages of the development of osteoarthritis is accompanied by severe pain. Also, crunch with osteoarthritis-specific, and "dry". The crunch is a problem of the ligaments, or excessive mobility of the joint;
Limitation of mobility of the knee. Because of the severe pain the patient can not freely bend and straighten the leg. As a general rule, limitation of mobility, accompanied by the pressing of the joints, which is clearly visible on the outside. In the later stages of the development of osteoarthritis of the joints become completely stationary and independent of the movement of patients becomes very problematic. According to the degree of severity of symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee in medical practice has decided to allocate such a degree of development of the disease:
- Osteoarthritis of the knee of the first degree. Mild pain and is mainly manifested in the realization of movements. At rest, the pain disappears. The cartilage at this stage have already hit, but the deformation is not visible in the visual. In the joint fluid may accumulate and form cysts of Baker;
- Osteoarthritis of the joint of the second degree. Cartilage affect because of narrowing of the joint space. X-rays are come to this stage show that the bone is increased in size. The patient's every movement is accompanied by a sharp pain, but sleep the pain off. In flexion and extension of the leg feels, the characteristic with osteoarthritis, and "dry" scrunch. With you bending and straightening of the knee there are problems, doctors will encounter patients fact deformation of the joint;
- Osteoarthritis of the articulation of the third degree. The cartilage so thin, that in some places, the bone is completely exposed. In addition, in the cavity of the joints appear to be of limestone, which doctors refer to as osteophytes. The patient much discomfort pain that does not subside when it is in motion, nor in a state of rest.
The diagnosis of osteoarthritis
A presumptive diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee, the doctor can put in the course of an interrogation of the patient during the using. However, for the diagnosis is precise still need two required research: diagnostic ultrasound and x-ray. As regards the laboratory analysis of the blood, they can assign, which would eliminate the disease, who have a clinical picture similar to, for example, arthritis. More informative for the physician are the results of an x-ray, which gives the possibility to judge the degree of narrowing of the joint space, and also gives you the chance to see osteophytes. At the same time, the ULTRASOUND gives information about the thickness of the articular cartilage, and also gives you an idea in which conditions are tight to the knee joint of the fabric.
The treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee

If you suspect osteoarthritis of the knee, contact your doctor of the district, that in case of necessity, it will be the doctor or orthopedic technician. The treatment of the disease suggests that different treatment strategies, however, the most effective is now the pharmacological treatment of osteoarthritis. In fact, doctors use different groups of drugs. This:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Chondroprotectors;
- Hormones steroid series;
- Medications to improve circulation of the blood;
- Vitamins
Ozone therapy
This technique involves the exposure to ozone (O3) on the knee affected by osteoarthritis. This technique can be implemented as the external action of the ozone in the municipality, and the introduction of fuel injection. The impact of the ozone has no contraindications, but at the same time has well-expressed therapeutic effect. In patients with pain reduced, decreases inflammation, and also restored the circulation of the blood in the knee. Considering that the ozone is a good help to the complete treatment with the application of chondroprotectors.
Therapeutic exercise
This technique is based on the assumption that during the execution of exercises for the recovery occurs in the vascularity of the knee, and with him begins the recovery more cartilage and it restores the elasticity of the ligaments. A series of exercises are selected individually for each patient by the doctor. This treatment goes very well with medical treatment.
According to many doctors in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee physiotherapy is one of the primary, and not secondary, methods of treatment. In the course of physiotherapy and removable pain, and is restored most of the functions of the joint, in addition, some methods in the course of physiotherapy to relieve pain and restore most of the functions of the joint, in addition, some techniques of physiotherapy to allow you to place drugs for the treatment of the disease. To date, all of the physiotherapy treatments for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee are divided in groups:
- Reduce the pain;
- Acute inflammatory processes;
- Reducing the blood supply;
- Painkillers Physiotherapy

As this procedure is most often used medium to ultraviolet irradiation (SF). In the course of the procedure of the ultraviolet rays that are sent on the knee and focus on it until you see the slight redness on the skin. It is believed that this demonstrates the production of substances that reduce the susceptibility to painful sensations. Usually, patients prescribed 6-7 sessions of SF.
Magnetic therapy
Lately especially popular to become magnetic therapy. It is believed that the method is applicable to arthritis of first and second degree. Patients undergoing 10-25 magnetic treatments, each procedure lasts approximately 30 minutes. The effect of a magnetic field is restored to the influx of blood to the cartilage and, as a result, it begins the recovery.
Physical exercise for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee
Gymnastics therapeutic for the treatment of osteoarthritis is very important. There is a lot of developments in this direction, but the most significant results has given a series of exercises, developed by dr. Evdokimenko and Wool Paley. Unfortunately, the complex there are limitations. It is not possible to perform exercises of people:
- Critical for women days;
- Patients with high intracranial blood pressure;
- When the body temperature is higher than 37,5 0 ° C;
- In the presence of an inguinal hernia;
- In the heart failure;
- With acute diseases of the internal organs.
The complex has nine exercises. Before starting the daily execution of this complex it is necessary to consult a doctor. The practice shows that the successful execution of a program of exercises Evdokimenko – Paley under the control of the doctor gives excellent results. It must be remembered that data to perform the exercises can be by making use of ointments.

Diet in the treatment of osteoarthritis
One of the causes of the arthrosis of the joints of the knee is the excess weight, which puts further pressure on the joints. Therefore, the reduction of weight, it is one of the most important tasks in the complex treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis. The data of numerous studies indicate that the reduction in the weight of 5 kilograms will greatly influence to improve the state of the joints of the patient. Nutritionists believe that the diet of the patient must have a sufficient number of vitamins and minerals, and at the same time must have a minimum calorie content. With osteoarthritis in any case not worth the effort to make a diuretic tea, who love to use fans to remove excess weight. The fact is that when the leaching of calcium, and is highly undesirable with osteoarthritis of the joints. The power of the patient must be divided, and for snacks should be used the fruits and the vegetables. It is believed that the morning should start with breakfast, otherwise the metabolic processes in the long term are not included and are likely errors. In the same manner, and influence subsequent dinners, which must be not less than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Not less important is the use of a sufficient amount of water (at least 2 liters per day). And just as important is the quality of the food. With osteoarthritis is very important to the inclusion of such products as:
- Soups, broths, and gelatin, welded on the bones. These products contain a large number of natural chondroprotectors and collagen;
- The meat of a chicken or turkey, which are an excellent source of protein, it is extremely important for the proper metabolism;
- Fish, walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are very important as sources of vitamin E;
- Cereals and wholemeal bread is one of the best options of complex carbohydrates necessary for proper nutrition of the patient;
- Sunflower oil, flax seed or olive oil are also important components of the food, because they are sources of unsaturated fatty acids.
In the treatment of osteoarthritis you must remember the fact that the treatment of this disease may not be instantaneous and, in fact, is managed by a certain style of life, in the contrary case, the patient may lose the ability to move independently.